13. Adding People That You May Know In ELMessenger Pro

New video coming soon! Until then, watch this video with Robert Herdt, Cloudkii Elite Partner and ELMessenger Pro Expert.


In order to use the "Common Friends Connector", you will need to have a message template, consisting of message segments.

If you don't understand the difference and haven't set that up yet, go back to the two videos explaining what they are about.

Once you have set up message segments, you should have a message template that should look like this:

Before using the Common Friends Connector, make sure that you have checked one of the message templates as the "Automated Message" that will get sent to the people that receive a friend request and message from you.

In order to do that, you need to check the radio-button.

The more specific you can be with your message, the higher the chances of a response will be.

Put your own spin on the messages you see inside the video, to make it more unique to you.

Should something not work the way it's supposed to, reach out to the chat support and they will be able to help you out quickly.


Create a tag (Like "Common Friends")

Create message segments (Intro, Body, Question) The "Intro" segment, can be a global segment, meaning it will be available across ALL tags you create. ​

With each segment, have at least 3 different variations Create a message template consisting of the 3 segments.

Make sure to check the radio-button next to the, so that message will be sent to people getting a friend request from you.

Head over to the "Friends" column when you are on your Facebook news feed.

  • You first will see your incoming friend requests
  • ​Scroll all the way down until you see the "People You May Know Section 
  • Choose the tag you have created that you want to use for this session and choose the interval you want to send messages at. (I recommend 20-25 seconds)
  • ​ Click on "Mutual Friends Filter" and choose "More than"
  • ​Insert any amount of mutual friends the person needs to have, in order for the extension to send a friend request.
  • ​ Click Start, sit back, relax, and watch ELMessenger Pro do the work for you.


The ELMessenger Pro extension is designed to mimic human behavior.

Make sure to NOT go crazy with automation and send 300 friend requests every single day.

Facebook will not like that and put you in FB jail.

Much rather, break it down into a few sessions if you like to be adding more people daily.

15-25 friend requests & messages per session. 1-3 times a day.

That should be enough to get a good amount of conversations going.


I recommend to NOT type on your computer/laptop, while the extension is active and pulling up the messenger window. This might lead to a wrong message being sent.

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